Videos for all platforms

Want to know why videos are an unparalleled communication tool? All social media have created their video channels, which are among the most viewed products on these networks. Additionally, we have the recent phenomenon of short videos, started by Tik Tok and followed by all the major networks. Your company needs a specific video strategy, from longer ones, including lectures and classes, to shorter ones, for channels such as Shorts, Reels, G-Tok, Tik Tok, Kwai and others.

40% student attraction

In 2016, the president of the Panamericana de Art school recognized that the institution's video channel, created by Future Press, alone accounted for attracting 40% of the school's new students. Another 30% came through recommendations from former students and 15% through Ad Words. The advertising campaigns that the school ran on TV simply did not bring in new students. Your company needs videos in all formats, not just advertising. Customer testimonials, videos that show how to use your products and services, interviews with executives, interviews with market experts and much more.

Panamericana Art School Banner Panamericana Art School Banner
Sales Consultancy

Pratika Consultoria Comercial had referrals as its main channel for attracting customers. But even the nomination needed the support of communication actions that highlighted the organization's expertise. To do this, we created a video channel with interviews with the organization's consultants. We produced more than 50 videos in 6 months, always with interviews with executives and market experts, talking about innovations, opportunities and trends.

Logotipo da Pratika Consultoria Logotipo da Pratika Consultoria
Recruitment System

The employee recruitment and selection system Elancers chose to create a video channel with Future Press to highlight the consistency of its software as a service. We produced more than 190 videos in 2 years of operation, working integrated with blog, social media and virtual lectures. When the topic is IT systems, you need to go beyond technical language, showing how and why to use the system and the impact of the system on the lives of companies and people.

Man choosing employees on the screen Man choosing employees on the screen