Ad Words

Is your company already using Google AdWords to attract customers? It's a great tool, but to achieve truly extraordinary results, web positioning is essential. Why? Imagine that AdWords is the gateway to your business. If your website is not well positioned in search results, few people will see your ads, decreasing the chances of conversion.

How to improve Ad Words results

Let's speak clearly. There are thousands of companies that spend money on campaigns on Google, Facebook and Instagram with a mediocre content structure. Old website, with poor performance on smartphones. No videos. No positioning on targeted social networks such as Linkedin, Gettr, Twitter, Tik Tok, Kwai. No blog with relevant information. Just a positioning on Instagram, with daily posts and promotions that people avoid. To be successful in Ad Words, you need a solid positioning on the Internet. Turn on English subtitles.

Ad Words Campaigns

For these companies, more than simple Ad Words campaigns on Google, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, we created an entire web positioning with a blog, social networks, videos and even virtual classes.

Panamericana Art School Panamericana Art School
Panamericana Art School

40% of students who purchased courses at Escola Panamericana did so motivated by videos created by Future Press on YouTube.

HR Convention Conarh HR Convention Conarh
HR Convention

The Human Resources Convention is heavily publicized in all formats, videos, social networks, articles, lectures and virtual classes and online lectures.

Towers Watson Consultants BrasilTowers Watson Consultants Brasil
Global business consultant

Videos, blog, social networks, in-person lectures recorded for YouTube and campaigns on Google Ad Words.

Doctor Feet

The Doctor Feet podiatry chain had Ad Words actions supported by a solid positioning on the web.

Doctor Feet Brazil Doctor Feet Brazil